Category Archives: love

I am…

…alive (when I may have died in other eras)
…brave (when I least expect it)
…quiet (when the words fail me – or are not words I want tied to me)
…inspired (by sunshine and a warm breeze)
…proud (of my sons and my family)
…sorry (for my new prioritization of me before most others)
…learning (how to be the receiver and not the giver)
…strong (to say no, if it is what is best)
…silly (when I feel like laughing over nothing at all)
…loving (for those around me who deserve so much of my affection)
…grumpy (when I am not able to keep up)
…creative (when I have space to dream)
…amazed (when I consider how far I have come)
…numb (when I consider the road ahead)
…hopeful (when the sun comes up the next day)

Be well,
