Category Archives: frustration

Saying No

No thank you
I’d prefer not to
I regret that I can’t
Not at all

That’s a powerful list. One that I rarely used.

I think most of us seek approval and to be liked. I certainly did. I wanted to exceed the expectations of my loved ones, and friends, and my workplace, and my volunteer organizations.

I very rarely said no to requests from those around me.

Interestingly, something had to give so I started to demote my household needs, my dog’s needs, my children’s needs, my husband’s needs, and ultimately – at the very bottom of a long list – was my own needs. I spent all of the time and energy I had available and then was left exhausted and flopped into bed.

Meh! Who cares, right? That’s normal and we are told every day to be fitter, wittier, quicker, more giving, more selfless, more hawt! But the reality is, we are only simple regular people and at some point it’s up to us to make our list of priorities and limit the investment we are prepared to make into them.

In my first series of rehabilitation sessions at the Bruyere Hospital I had to be trained to say “No.” I really mean that I had to learn it because I did… I even had to roleplay examples of requests and me saying no to them.

My therapist in that session would likely smirk and say that I learned and even told her no a few times by the end. *waves at Beverly my social work guru*

Anyway, just take a second and consider where you rank on your priority list. And even though it seems like it’s safe to demote our kids/spouse because they will always love us regardless – just remember that there is a point where you will realize all of the ways that you almost missed out on the most important people in our lives.

Two letters – one word – tremendous power: NO

Use it wisely but as often as you need to.

Be well,


Sphere of Influence

You cannot control

  • sunset / sunrise
  • others’ decisions
  • your loved ones’ lives
  • time moving forward
  • health surprises
  • history
  • people’s perception
  • nature
  • the rate your hair grows
  • your illness
  • the loss of a loved one
  • when the pen runs out of ink
  • the price of gas
  • the Faith of others
  • the rules of a game that others created
  • dogs’ preference for puking on a rug
  • the mysterious persistance of dust
  • your children’s dramas
  • how much you are needed


You can control

  • how you react
  • how you interpret
  • how you assert
  • how you love (yourself AND others)
  • how you sacrifice
  • how you refrain from judging
  • how you measure success
  • how you value silence
  • how you respect differences
  • how you care for your life
  • how you pick your battles 

Please add your items if you have others.

***I send love to a close family member who is today having surgery.***

Be well,


I miss sucking my thumb

Good days and bad days … and I rarely am brave enough to share a bad day. On those days I just get quiet. Well I am learning to be stronger for myself and my own limitations… Here is a glimpse behind the curtain.

I find it hard to keep up with life some days. My house gets busy, the world can be loud, the tvs bring chaos and we all have needs.

I vaguely remember napping as a little girl. I miss it. Being on my Mom’s knee and sucking my thumb and finding comfort in the rhythm of her heartbeat. I miss her and I miss that phase of life. Remember being in the line-up for a cuddle with your parents? I do… and then we grow up and we love more and more and more.

Then suddenly your parent can’t hug you as often (but THANK YOU to my Daddy who is always ready for a hug) and you notice that the lineup waiting for you forms on the right and stretches for miles with hopeful, loving faces shining at you…

I am still so fortunate to have such wonderful people around me but like everyone else, sometimes I just need to curl up in a quiet space and suck my thumb and cuddle under a blanket while my head heals and I cope with my new self and my new limits.

Today, I spent my time getting my meds ready and sorted in the weekly dossette case, I planned a dinner for the family, I showered and dressed and I coped with a busy home, I will happily cook today… and yes, that is all I can manage today. If your e-mail in unanswered in my inbox all I ask is for patience. I still do feel guilty when I can’t please peole the way they deserve… that is hard.

And if, on the other hand, you too are recovering from your own stroke (of genius), you are not alone if you feel tired and lost and lonely sometimes. I think it happens to all of us. And my experience so far reassures me that tomorrow is always a bit brighter and as we get closer to Spring, the sun stays up longer for sure.

God Bless you all.


When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.
   ~ 1 Corinthians 13.11-13


There is music playing softly in the basement, children laughing as they play, a tv playing a cartoon, a friend is in chat telling me that they love me, my husband asks what is for dinner, the dog whines to go out for a pee.

OLD JEN: tells the chat friend to hang on, speculates about dinner options as she walks to the door and rewards the puppy as she lets it out and tries to think of the name of that song playing downstairs while she glances at the TV subconsciously evaluating appropriateness.

NEW JEN: can’t remember what food we have, feels overwhelmed and scared by the noises, tries to determine if the kids are making happy or unhappy sounds, shuts the chat window unexpectedly and cries.